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Dealing with the courts in places like Leonardo, NJ, is taxing for several reasons, but when you have to navigate the world of family law, it is exponentially more so. In many cases that fall under the umbrella of family law, the time, energy, and money that going through the legal process typically requires is only compounded by the fact that you are often making weighty decisions about relationships with some of the closest people in your life. The stress from these situations adds significant mental and emotional hardship to your life. On the other side of the coin, however, family law also encompasses positive things like adoption and marriage. A family law matters attorney can walk with you person-to-person as you face these crossroads in life – whether positive or negative – and give you insight and direction for the legalities you will have to undergo.
A family law attorney from Paul N. Mirabelli, Esq. can be just that for you. The firm has decades of experience handling cases for people just like you who face an array of matters in the world of family law. Our family lawyers use their command of New Jersey to deliver legal solutions specifically for your case to get your life moving in the direction you want and need. Paul Mirabelli, the founder of the firm, finds particular joy in helping people in family law cases because of how the type of situations these cases are so profoundly human.
We advise you to consult directly with a family lawyer to determine if your case falls under family law. However, we have prepared the following information to help you get a basic idea of what family law is and where your situation may precisely fit into it. These are only common types of family law – other, less common types exist.
If you partner with Paul N. Mirabelli, Esq. in Leonardo, NJ, we will fill in the gaps all the more so you have a more robust understanding of the law and how it relates to your situation. We love empowering you, our client, as much as we can as we work to deliver the solutions you need.
Family law is the aspect of the law that concerns familial relationships and issues that arise among them.
New Jersey views civil unions and other domestic partnerships similarly to how it does marriage. You may find this aspect of family law of interest even if you are not legally married for this reason.
The State of New Jersey regulates entering and exiting marriage – it officially recognizes marriages and the administration of divorces. For whatever reason, it has made entering a marriage easier to do than dissolving one. Going through with a divorce takes a lot more time, money, and involves many more individuals. People often hire a divorce lawyer when going through a divorce for these reasons. Contrast this with getting married – very few have the thought of hiring a lawyer cross their mind at all.
Children typically make divorce even more involved since the court determines visitation and support. A child support attorney may prove invaluable to you, as is so often the case with others, due to the high demand navigating this area entails. Imagine creating arguments that convince authorities to grant custody, visitation, or financial support of your child as you want on your own. Are you familiar with the law to begin with? Our child support attorneys are and want to craft the legal strategy that does what is best for your family despite the heartbreaking reality it will soon experience.
Domestic violence carried out by a spouse or partner falls under the marriage aspect of family law. Our hearts go out to you if you are the victim of domestic violence. The righteous anger we feel toward those committing violence against you fuels us all the more to deliver for you in court and ensure your safety as much as possible.
Adoption is when you are legally recognized as the parent(s) of a child who you did not give birth to.
The most commonly thought of type of adoption is individual adoption. This is when you are legally recognized as the parent of a child who is not related to you at all. In this, you take full custody of the child from their former parents. Beyond individual adoption is relative and stepparent adoption. As the names suggest, these adoptions are when you adopt a relative, like a niece or a nephew, or a spouse's child from a prior relationship. These are typically streamlined compared to individual adoption.
Regardless of whether you need help putting a family together through adoption in Leonardo or keeping it from tearing itself apart during a New Jersey divorce; Paul Mirabelli is there to help.
Call (732) 733-2830 today to tell us your story and discover the compassionate and practical solutions we offer.
Take the first step towards a brighter future, and we will do the rest.
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